Saturday, September 18, 2010

Twilight, Please?


Twilight is a book about a young women who falls in love with a vampire and has become very popular among teens. You can't go anywhere anymore without hearing team Edward or Jacob, there's even a team Bella. It influences many young people, unfortunately the message it's sending isn't a good one. The heroine of the story, Bella, can't go for five minutes without needing rescuing. As much as I like the whole damsel in distress bit, it gets way too annoying for me to handle.

How would you feel if you had to rescue someone every hour of every day because they're too lame to do it themselves. That's all her character does. She whines about needing help, always calling for the two male characters of the story to rescue her. And for someone whose supposedly in love, she flip flops an awful lot. If Edward isn't there to save her she now loves Jacob. If this was real love, that would happen maybe twice before she realizes she is wrong to do such a thing. All this does is show young girls this type of behavior is okay.

Trust me, I have to watch a friend of mine go through the same thing with his girlfriend who gave her self the nick name Bella. If he's not there to save her she threatens to break up with him. Unfortunately, he doesn't realize that this behavior might look nice in the movie but in real life he looks like a fool. All this book does is teach kids to put up with creepy behaviour. Girls if a guy really loves you, he'll save you no matter what. from anything, but in every relationship your partner will need help, so I ask you how can you help them when you can't even help your self? I don't care if he's a fireman, cop, and/or a super hero, they will get tired of constantly having to save you.

Any self respecting woman wants to have someone who can hold them when they have a bad dream or get scared but can also take care of her self if she's alone. Bella just is a demanding little brat who needs every thing done for her, not to mention how easily manipulated she comes across as. Real girls aren't like that and should not act that way. It makes me sick how weakly it portrays not only her but all women who have to get up every morning and fight the good fight.

Twilight get a new message this one isn't right.

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