Tuesday, September 7, 2010

9/11.... Nine Years Later

The lack of skill of most firefighters and police officers to talk to each other on their handheld radios on Sept. 11 2001, at the sight of the attacks, one of the most looked at problem that day.... still has not been completely resolved. This problem has reoccured in another two big events, Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita. Public Safety Officers (EMS, Police, Firefighters) from different areas arrive on scene, only to find out how bad the communication was. Despite $7 billion being spent in the last seven years to improve this issue, experts say communications perfection are years away, if ever.

With this being an issue, I see this getting much worse in the upcoming years. With the bugdet issues we are experiencing with our country, sadly lay-offs have been affecting Public Safety. Firefighters, police, and EMS have had cuts, not as severe as others though. In small towns where on a certain call you need other units, it would be VERY difficult to get there help if you don't have radio communication. Hopefully we don't have very many more cuts.



Danielle P. said...

Great choice in an article. I want to say i completely agree with what you said. How can you help anyone from far away if you are not able to speak to them This NEEDS to change ASAP. This is a horrible thing that shouldnt be happening with all the technology we have these days. People need to stabd up including the fire fighters that must deal with this on a day to day basis.

Michael G. said...

I totally agree that United States needs more communication. Without it, people wouldn't be helped. The senate needs to relize how important communication between emergency services is. Hopefully, there won't be too many cuts of emergency personnel because everything would just go downhill from there.

bryan gerges!!!! said...

Gary, i completly agree with what you are saying and also communication is key for any survival rescue situation. In some places they can't afford radios, or walkie-talkies. Which is a big problem. Also in certain areas they should have safety regulation fire extingushers. So that they can be able to keep control of the situation till the fire fighters come to help.