Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pastor Hates Muslims

According to Damien Cave of the New York Times, Terry Jones, an evangelical pastor of the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida, plans on commemorating the September 11 attacks by having a bonfire of Korans, the Islamic holy book. This has raised both praise and critisim as Muslims in other countries have have condemned him and his church. A Muslim group in England have concerns that this could cause riots and terrorist attacks. Jones said he hopes that the burning would not lead to violence. However, he is oblivious to the fact that there will be consequences. Many have already tried to stop the event, such as the bank demanded immediate repayment and the fire department rejected his request for a burning permit. This, however, has not stoppped him and said that he would do it anyway and that "it's just politics." In response, some people have planned protests and pastors planning on reading the Koran in their services. Personally, I think that this guy is an idiot. He's just asking for trouble, especially with all these Muslim extremists that kill over cartoons. Not only will this have an effect in the U.S. , but also oversea's. I'd imagine that if this happens, Muslims in other countries will destroy any Americans in their sight. Basically, the uneffective point that Jones is trying to make isn't worth it, even if he won't change his mind about it.


1 comment:

Ryan W. said...

I agree with you on that this pastor is an idiot. Like you said, even the South Park creators received death threats for making a joke. But burning THE Koran? That will make the Muslim extremists go crazy. I don't think that anyone should be so rude to another religion, even if they do not believe in it. There are many peaceful ways to express your opinions, but burning someone's holy book is outrageous.