Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Breaking the Mold of Hannah Montana

Miley Cyrus's recent music video, "Can't Be Tamed" has been the center of much criticism. The controversy is that she is known as Hannah Montana, the famous actress on Disney Channel. She has dominated above all as the teen idol for young girls everywhere. However, she has been trying to break out of that mold to define herself as Miley Cyrus, a young adult. She was very successful with her show, but as she gets older she wants to grow up and wants to be known as Miley Cyrus, not Hannah Montana. And because of this, she has received constant criticism.

Miley is simply the victim of fame and gender roles. No matter what we say or do, we always tend to place stricter rules on girls and their actions. If a girl does something that's not right or not usual, she gets judged immediately (like how the press targeted Miley). At a concert, Hannah Montana's risque dancing on the pole was dragged through the media in her latest music video 'Can't Be Tamed'. Anyone could argue she is simply acting like most girls her age. She is at the point where her image is important to her and she understands how to use it to get what she wants.

I believe Miley is really just exploring her sexuality, like most girls her age, but because she became famous for her role as Hannah Montana, Miley has and will continue to struggle with the expectations of parents whose children idolize her. She will always be known as the young and innocent Hannah Montana. People are now judging her and calling her inappropriate names because of her actions. Though she may have took it a little too far when she danced on the pole, she is really just doing what most teenage girls do. In her song she says "don't change me," in other words, she cannot be changed and she will not change. I don't think Miley is doing anything wrong and that all these criticisms are unnecessary. Miley Cyrus can't stay Hannah Montana forever, and now it's time for her to grow up.

1 comment:

Kate H. said...

I agree with you Casey. Hopefully, her staring in "The Last Song" will change peoples minds about her. I know it did for me, and I honestly don't think she got enough credit. I also think it might just make her a stronger person in the end. You did good, you have lots of facts to support your reasoning. :)