Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Going All Out to Find the Floor

According to an article by Sam Dolnick of the New York Times, 2 to 5 percent of the U.S. population is suffering from obsessive collecting, also known as hoarding. The article features a 54 year old man residing in Bronx, New York. He lives in a 500 square foot apartment filled with junk. As a hoarder, he can't do much but watch the past two decades completely change his life. He reveals that when he collects something, he collects it because he thinks he's going to need it later. However, the truth of the matter is that hoarders are just burying themselves inside a place almost like a booby trap. After reading this article, I can't believe how much a hoarder's life changes overtime. It's shocking to see people living under such horrible condition. It makes me wonder how they even survive on a daily basis. Also, how it affects the people around them such as family and friends.


1 comment:

Genesis M. said...

I found this post interesting because I have seen many shows about hoarding on television. On the shows that I've seen, the peoples' homes are filled floor to wall with their possessions and garbage. I also find it shocking like you because I can't even relax if my area is messy. I wonder as well how their family and friends cope but I guess I'd have to be a hoarder to know. I can't believe 2-5% of the population suffers from obsessive collecting but I find it interesting how they ended up so obsessive.