Tuesday, September 7, 2010


     According to The New York Times, Americans are continually becoming fatter and fatter. That from 2007 to 2009, around 2.4 million more people have become obese. This article talks about the increase in obesity that is a big threat for America. Unfortunately, these statistics are belittled by the fact that the surveys were conducted through the phone and not in person. This being so, people usually describe themselves better than what they actually are. Researchers are trying to understand the cause of such an increase in obesity. One reason for obesity is the fact that kids are not getting enough excerise, even in gym classes, as reported by Dr. Frieden. I think it is very scary that so many people are obese in the U.S., 72.5 million, as stated by The New York Times. People really need to focus on keeping themselves and their kids healthy because the affects of obesity can be deadly. It is important to live a healthy lifestyle, so that you can live a long and active life.


1 comment:

Lizzy Berg said...

I agree that this is a big problem (no pun intended). I worry that many of my friends, who unfortunetly are on the heavy side, will become obesse early in life and ruin it. I do a personal work out each day ad I wish more people in high school addressed the common weight problem and had self respect. If you don't care enough about yourself, then people might think that you don't care about them.