Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Out with a Bang

For my last post, I planned to volunteer at Tri-City. However, that didn't work out for two reasons. First, everyone went there. Second, I got too busy during the week. So I ended up doing what I did the last 3 times. Furry Friends Rescue. This time though, it was different. I got there like I usually did and everything seemed normal. Then I realized there was a lot of other volunteers. And by a lot I mean like 8 other people. After I set up, I felt something and excused myself to the little boy's room. After I finished my business, I came out and saw everyone was already sitting with a dog. It was then that I was told that they had no work for me that day. At first I got excited that I wouldn't have to do anything, but then they told me I couldn't go home yet because they wanted to make sure no other foster homes dropped off their dogs. For half an hour I just sat on a fold-out chair listening to music until they finally let me go. So I guess not going to Tri-City worked out for me in the end since it let me get off the hook from working. Although it may not be the most "moral" decision, I still have to volunteer there because I made a commitment or something like that.

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