Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Volunteer Stuff Entry #1

Work Time: 2 hours

Amanda: In this video, I wanted to show exactly was we were doing while volunteering with FIERCE. I'm sorry about all the "Hey Michael. What're you doing?" in all the videos. I didn't realize how annoying it was. I'll work on that for the next video diary. The wheel barrel omitted such a horrible noise and I am really sorry for making that the first thing you hear in this video. I really did enjoy Michael trying to say "pick axing" and I felt super worried when Denny got a blister on his hand because he used the wrong pick axe.

Michael: This is us spreading compost, pick axing, and training vines.

Amanda: I kept looking at the people in the garden and people putting things away. After working so hard, it felt so nice to sit in the shade and feel the breeze. Michael's video diary is in pieces because we had a debate about how much time it had to be and the second time was because he had to take a phone call. I apologize for all the giggling. We were just having so much fun.

Michael: Volunteering with FIERCE. It was super hot that day. Sorry for the derp faces. If I used any language that offended anybody, so sorry.

EDIT: I apologize if the hosting site isn't playing the videos. I'll try and find a better hosting site ASAP - Amanda

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