Monday, April 4, 2011

Field Prep.

When we were assigned this project, me and Sean decided to work together. We looked all over for volunteer opportunities and everything we saw either fell through or we found boring, and we knew that we were supposed to do something we enjoyed. We ended up having to ask for an extension so we got an extra week to find a place to volunteer. I used to play for Centerville American Little League so when I heard they were going to have a field cleanup day at Glenmoore Elementary, I was happy because I finally found an opportunity for us to volunteer. We met there around one in the afternoon and we were there until around three.

The idea behind having a field cleanup day is so the diamond you play on is suitable for games. A lot happens between the end of one season and the beginning of another that makes it hard to play. The hops while fielding ground balls will go all over the place if the dirt isn't smooth, there needs to be enough dirt so you can slide without hitting the cement below the dirt, and the grass needs to be cut so balls don't die in the outfield.

I knew some of the people there already because I have played baseball in the area for years and my teammates in the past and present were there. The overall experience wasn't bad at all because it is a pretty relaxed environment and there aren't really and rules as long as the job gets done. The day consisted of putting more dirt on the field and spreading it out as evenly as possible. Neither one of us cut the grass but I think it got done sometime throughout the day. We pulled weeds from the dirt where they weren't supposed to be as well. The only down side to doing this for our project is that it's a once a year event so we will have to choose another place to volunteer next time, but it feels good that I can give back to a league that I played for.

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