Monday, April 4, 2011


Since i wasn't abel to do my community service hours at a transalation/bilingial healthcare event, my second option was to go down to Tri-City Volunteer Center. On March 30th, right after school i went there, and as soon as i had gotten there i bumped into Brooke, & Casey. Since i had already filled in the papers i went straigth in signed in, got a vest and a badge . The first thing they made me do was to get three onions from a big bag put it in a small bag, tie the bag, and put it in a barrel. Later onCasey and Brooke showed up and they were givin the same task i was. After we were done doing the onions we had to move on and bag potatoes. Shortly after we had started baging the potatoes Josh and Genesis showed up. Soon all five of us were baging potatoes. At the location they had a radio, but the station wasn't good, so we had changed it, now we were all comfortable working. To make things run more smoothly we had arrranges an assembly line some of us ripping the bags, others packing, tieing, and putting the bags in the barrels. The assembly line made it more efficient for us, made time go by faster, and it was fun. Besides having a good time volunteering, this made me feel good because i was giving back to my community in some way or another. This shows how some people that need more food can come here to get it. This is a good program that helps people around us in our community, it's a good place to do your hours at, except for that they close at four. I'm planing on doing some of my other hours here to see if i can expirience some other kind of way to give back to the community.

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