Saturday, June 4, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away Already!

Today was the first year of the ECT and IBEW safety fair in Dublin. I went along with some friends from water polo and we did a lot of community service. Overall, we did about 10 hours. It was raining all morning and the most dangerest part of the safety fair was getting there. I could barely see anything in front of me on the road because it was pouring so badly. When we got there we went inside a giant building and talked with the director of the fair. We then started to set up easy ups for all the booths that would be there. One the booths were set up it was cool looking at them. There was a CPR booth with the plastic dummies set up, then there was a policeman booth, and a fireman booth. For our service we handed out the food that the firemen were cooking. We had to serve hot links, hotdogs, hamburgers, and chicken dogs... which were really gross. It was about noon when people started swarming us for food, even thjough the food wasn't ready yet from the fire fighters. Once some food was finally done, the people waiting grabbed and took most of the food. Which meant that other people waiting had to wait even longer for food. Everyone was standing in the rain, but it didn't matter because they were all there to learn about safety and other stuff. Most of the people working there and others who were there were really nice. Doing the safety fair was the best community service I've ever done. It allowed for people to know about safety, but it was also a good way to get out of doing community service at the Tri City place. I am glad that I went out and did this because it was a good way of helping out the community.

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