Tuesday, May 24, 2011


For my last volunteer experience I went to Tri-City again. I tried to volunteer somewhere else and it was to feed the homeless in San Francisco, but I realized that I could not make it the times they had available. So again it was back to Tri-City, we did something similar to what we did last time which was packing food into bags for people. Though we finished a lot of bags so some of us were told to help out the thrift store a little bit. When we went back to the thrift store I was hoping that I wouldn't have to vacuum the store like last time. This time we had to sort some clothes into piles, which was not very entertaining,but it was kind of cool to see the clothes that was being donated. Then the lady that worked at the thrift store asked me to clean the break room. Cleaning the break room didn't take to much time and soon enough I was finished with cleaning and all my hours. Doing this project was a great thing for us to do, because it really did help us learn about what others don't have and what we do. It puts things in perspective for us and really appreciate what we do have.

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