Thursday, May 5, 2011

Volunteer Stuff Entry #3

Work Time: 1 hour
(However, we were at Irvington for about 3 hours)

Amanda: This was a while back, but we kept it for this post. We didn't think we were going to garden at all, but it was very amazing when we actually did. I felt a bit disgusted when I figured out that wasn't really dirt we were scooping up, but it was pretty funny when we figured it out.


Amanda: I apologize for the change in scenery. My room wasn't the ideal filming location. Anyways, I also apologize for laughing so much. Michael was being goofy behind the camera.

Michael: Sorry for any offensive language, this is me talking about the time me and Amanda went to a FIERCE meeting at Irvington and did some unexpected gardening.

EDIT: Video Hosting Problems

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