I'd say that over all this project was more fun than I really thought it would be. Especially when I'm Bagging onions or potatoes with Javier Saavedra for about 2 hours. We went back to The Tri-City Volunteer Center. Its pretty crazy hearing that mostly all the kids who were there and didn't go to Washington High were in there for charges like possession of something bad or was atleast charged with something.
Javier and I had the usual routine that day, starting with signing in, wearing thoe neon green or yellow vest and getting a pair of latex glove. We already knew what to do with out asking the people who worked there. Bagging bread, onions, and potatoes or sweeping the floor. Javier and I voted on just bagging bread. The whole hour and a half flew by so fast. I was so glad that I finished this Equity Project with ease.
Its cool you helped out tri city again, even though you kind of do the same things over again. Atleast you didnt leave and find some other place. Its also cool that you arent doing this because you were charged with a crime. I think its kind of sad we make people do community service when they get in trouble. I hope that you continue helping them out, or maybe stopping by once in a while even after this project. Nice Job.
You made Javi go again? Anyways, bagging bread doesn't seem like a whole lot of fun, but if it makes time go by quicker, then more power to you. Sounds like you had fun and actually enjoyed this project instead of thinking it was just a waste of an hour.
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