Sunday, May 8, 2011

Third Times Not The Charm So Much..

For my third post, Joshua Christy and I went to (surprise) the Tri- City Volunteers. Josh and I felt like veterans already so we just walked in, put on our vests, and got to work. This time around, there was still a lot of people but none from our school so we were the only ones representin'. We did the same old, same old: bagging food, bagging cans, and suh-weeping. There was, like I said, a lot of volunteers that day like there has been lately so each activity was kind of short-lived, except for bagging cans which we did for a while. The creepiest thing happened actually. We were bagging cans, get a can of this, 2 cans of that, oatmeal, and a dessert. There was this man kind of telling people what to do so I figured "alright dude is in charge". But turned out he wasn't. He kept staring at me and I was like "please proceed to photograph me that picture will last longer". In my head of course. And he goes ".. that's where I saw you! You live at (insert my apartments' name here)!" I have never seen this man in my life. Imagine the thoughts I thought. I will be watching my back from now on. Afterwards, there was literally (pronounced licherally like Mr. Shawn says it) nothing to do so we were put to sweeping. Again the accurate duo strikes. We both felt that it was getting repetitive as we had feared so we weren't exactly sweeping ardently. *vocab word. It feels good knowing we're giving back but I feel we could expand our horizons and try other places. There's a lot more people volunteering at Tri-City nowadays, therefore, there is now more things being done and less for us to do when we show up late in the afternoon. So for our 4th post, Josh and I are going to find a new, exciting place and put in work. Watch out, world.


John N. said...

Dear Genesis, I shared a very similar experience at Tri City Volunteer. I totally get how you were bored and I hated it probably more than you did. But remember, you are helping people who no food to eat. So keep working hard Genesis. Ok bye

Casey N. said...

I agree with you that the Tri-City Volunteer Center gets really old! It gets boring after a while and then you run out of things to do. A lot of people go there for court reasons as well as for school community service hours. It's one of the most convenient places because you don't have to call in first or anything and there is a minimal amount of papers to fill out. I do believe there are places that we can volunteer at and put in more work because what we do here isn't hard, but believe it or not we do make a difference. If we weren't there, people wouldn't get their food efficiently.