Wednesday, September 8, 2010


     Many of us have heard about the pastor from Florida saying he will burn Muslims holy book, the Quran, on the ninth anniversary of 9/11. New York Times has also had a story on it like other news stations or papers. They say how many American Muslim are trying hard to become friends and connect with non-muslims. All the time spent making relationships and becoming friends are just being stepped on by this ignorant pastor who wont think about all the things wrong with his idea.
     There is no good outcome at all I can think of or anyone who has a heart and cares for others and their beliefs can think of. It doesn't make sense to burn the holy books of a religion because of what a couple people caused. And some people still have doubts about who caused 9/ could have been anyone, or the government, who knows? ... Blaming a religion  for what people do, and then starting some big crisis like this is totally not cool. People say just let it so, but how are we just suppose to sit back and watch? When i read this i was like "Wah?". Like how can someone do that? It wont just cause anger and mahem, (idk how to spell that)'ll cause a lot of bad thing around the world. This will effect not only Muslims, but non-Muslims too.


britney S. said...

Thats an evil paster! shouldnt want to destroy others religion. Goood story its very interesting and entertaining haha.

Shana B said...

When I first heard about this on the news I was in shock as well. America is a place of religious freedom and what that priest wants to do will offend alot of people. Im sure he would get mad if someone started to burn a bunch of bibles. 30 out of 50 people that attended his church quit. There are other ways to express how you feel without having to hurt someone else.

Jennifer M. said...

That is so wrong! The priest should not hate the religion because of the person he dislikes. It's not his religion to destroy. This is very disturbing but informal news and more people should read it. It is not ok to hurt someone elses feelings because you are annoyed!

Victoria C. said...

Wow. If this guy really burns the book, he shall be hated for the rest of his life. Just because he is hating on others doesnt mean he should hate on everyone and destroy something that means so much to them. I agree with your reaction to "wah?" because this will be totally useless if it happens. It will only create more problems between Muslims and Americans. Well, I hope it doesnt happen!

Kyle "Mr." Floyd said...

Zach is right on the money. It's pretty much a joke how these supposed "religious" people do these kinds of things. It's just completely hypocritical. Like Zach said, burning the Quran doesn't solve anything. It just creates more problems. People wonder about and lament the fact that there's so much hate in the world. It's a shame that something designed to stop that does the complete opposite. That's religion.