Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Are Planes Really That Safe???

There was a small plane crash in Henderson Nevada. In the crash there was two men and two women but only one died. The others tho were injured by the crash. Sgt. John Sheahan of the Las Vegas Police Department was one of the first on the scene. This plane crashed 20 feet from the closes building luckily no others were hurt. The reason this plane crashed is a mystery to the press for the moment. The plane was a Piper Cherokee I no the plane im not gonna fly in. Well our hearts go out to that persons family.


Taylor L. said...

This is a sad story. The plane must have had something wrong with it because planes do not crash that often. You hear more about car crashs then you do plane crashes. I feel more safe on a plane then in a car because thousands of planes fly around the world daily big and small. It is a traggic story but luckily there were survivors.

Amanda P. said...

After reading this, I'm glad that my relatives that live in Las Vegas don't live near Henderson anymore. This is very hard to read about especially because I know that area so well. The terrible part of this is that one person died. I'm very glad that the others only escaped with injuries and that no buildings needed to be reconstructed. I hope that they find the cause soon. It'd be nice to know what went wrong so that others flying a similar plane can be more aware.

Sean Blanco said...

I really feel sorry for the one dead persons family. They must be having a hard time coping with there loss. Imagine how they feel right now knowing That there relative could of easily just avoided riding the plane and would be with them right now. I wish all there families the best of luck. Nice Post =D

Denny yang said...

I been studying planes for over 5 years. I know planes like the Piper, Dehavilland,Boeing,Cessna,Herman Goose, Airbus,etc.
When it comes to plane failure i can imagine how much loss can be expressed. I am currently an airline instructor on
I am gussing the plane had an oil leakage. Under the cowl flaps of the lower ailerion is where planes easily get dismantled by air. Usually a sympton to this would be an engine fire. Plane failure can involve the MFPD (main flight panel display), basically where the flight panel lights, navigational lights,beacon , strobe, landing lights start to work indirectly. Plane failure can involve stalling in the air too long. WHen you decease the throttle to idle, usually around 5-6 (landing position, on a scale of 20) the plane, Piper, usally maintains at a speed of 30-60 knots in the air. If you look at the Boeing 747, for instance, at throttle position, the speed would range around 110-130 knots. Normal landing speed would be around 12x for boeing 747-800. Pipers are usualy around 40-50. I know this pretty well and i give credits to Aviation Tech Museum.

Chances of why the piper could have crashed:
1. Vertical Airspeed indicator and Alitude Hold switch malfunction.
2. Flight Main Display Panel, Engine Failue, Oil Leakage.
3.Exhaustion from the Spoiler flaps/cowl flaps. 4.Shock absorbtion gear- too much friction during landing.
5.Altitude and multi-purpose compass failure/Stalling-the plane basically loses the vertical hold switch and desecends rapidly. Results=crash landing, death.

Credits to Instructor for over 5 years.