One of America's Dominant ideologies is that being Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender (LGBT) is unnatural. People most of the time speak without thinking and don't actually see the pain they cause others and how it actually affects them. I personally feel offended when anyone is judged by their sexuality. This to me is shaping American society in the way that people can really stoop so low to bust their own confidence by putting other down to feel unwanted. LGBT people are fighting for their civil right in the courtrooms and on the street besides these advances in the American mainstream LGBT people still continue to deal with discrimination all over the world.
The U.S military discriminates against lesbians and gays. Moms and dads of LGBT children and teens loose custody because their children wont be aloud to marry and because it's wrong because of the religion they fallow and were taught. In the end however religion doesn't matter nor what other people think is normal. People in general think "different" is wrong. Choosing to be LGBT can be genetic, a mind set, or just an overall attraction. Despite increased acceptance of LGBT people in today's pop culture LGBT teens are still being harassed and bullied. I don't understand why tormenting is necessary as long as they're happy with their life's its none of our business.
"Across the globe, there remain many instances where an individuals' sexual orientation or gender identity can lead them to face execution, imprisonment, torture, violence or discrimination." This depresses me to know that this has happened and still continues. Its sexuality, there is no right and wrong. That's like saying its wrong to like the color red over orange. It really shouldn't matter what someone wants for themselves and to become consumed with what others want for themselves is a result of ignorance and fear. If gay people aren't harming your children, vandalizing your property and possessions or trying to hurt you then why should they feel like they can't feel comfortable in their own skin.
1 comment:
I defiantly agree with the point you are trying to make here. People don't get made fun of for being straight, so why should gays and lesbians be treated any different. I'm glad to see people standing up for the rights of all people, which makes me have nothing but respect for the LGBT. You shouldn't be made fun of about your sexuality because its something that is natural, who cares if someone else has a different preference.
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