There has been many things that we have learned from the Civil Rights Movement. We learned about all the events that has changed America to how it is today. America use to place where freedom dependended on the color of your skin, but now equality is spreaded out through America, wheather you are white or black. There was many different approaches in gaining equality and freedom. For example Martin Luther King Jr. believed in the non-violence approach in gaining this, he believed that we should do non-violence riots and speaches to gain attention to this problem. There was also Malcome X's approach, which he believed in the selfhelp philosophy. A philosophy that they should do whatever it takes to gain equality and freedom, even if it means using violence. Whether you believed in King's approach or X's approach, in the end they both wanted the same thing. To gain freedom for everyone and stop segregation, which ultimately they did.
Racism is not as big of problem as it was back then, but it still exist. There still many racist people and groups that are teaching otheres to be racist too. For example the White Supremacist and the KKK are going out of there way teaching there belief to others that white people are superior then other racial groups.When we live in a country with these groups, then there are people still out there who still believes in segregation and at no cost will try to return America how it was 50 years ago. There are also institutional racism, which are some schools that have poor teaching supplies and are in poor neighborhoods, are mostly filled with ethnic groups. To gain equity and equality in America we must fix these problems we have, but till then, we will always have racism in America.
The most important idea in the Civil Right Movement, was that non-violent protest is more effective then violent protest. Through out the enitre movement the African-Americans use this to there advantage and gained freedom and gained more equality. People now use the same type of protest to change things which they believe needs to be change. There are many accounts for this happening, for example people are protesting for gay rights in San Francisco. There using the non-violent approach and slowly but surely are gaining more rights for Gays. The Cive Right Movement has showed many people a more effective way in getting what they believe is right and has inspired many to stand up for what they believe in, and showing them that everyone can make a difference.
i like how you talked about the lessons learned then moved on to talk about the things that we struggle with today. the post was well organized in that way
i agree with everything said especially about non violent protest and how two different people wanted change and eventually got it.
I agree with what you're saying. America today is much different than what it used to be. Race no longer determine what you ca or cannot do in this country. I also like how you mentioned that the KKK is still around even though racism is not a big problem anymore.
I agree with what you say, however I don't believe that equality is spread throughout America. Yes, I do think that we've been less racist towards peoples' skin color but America has not completely gotten rid of racism yet. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X have been a huge influence on our past. Martin Luther King believed in integration in schools and in public but Malcolm X wanted to be segregated. And when he changed his mind he died. I really like what you wrote and I almost completely agree with you!
I sort of disagree with your statement that "Racism is not as big of problem as it was back then, but it still exist." I believe that it still does exist but people tend to hide it from others. For example, when I was in elementary school people would make fun of me because I wore a turban and I decided not to say anything believing that it would eventually ware off. In reality it didn't ware off until I decided to do something about it. We still need to realize that racism does exist in number but it is covered up by the fact that the country is being led by a colored man.
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