Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Civil Rights Movement Analysis

There where lots of lessons I learned from the Civil Rights Movement. Most of those lessons were from Martin Luther King Jr and his speeches. Equality and equity were the biggest leasons we learned as a people. Sadly not all of us have learned these leasons yet, but I will get to that later. Our nation grew a little the day the Civil Rights Movement was started and even more when it was finished. The Civil Rights Movement is about treating people the same no matter what color, gender or religion they are, at least thats what I got out of it.

America today is still struggling with equality but were getting better. Every person is unique in there own way so how can we be equal? You may not want to hear it but there are  hate crimes being committed everyday and there will always be hate crime being committed just because someone is different. Well what I think really matters is that we help out the people that are less fortunate then yourself. Helping people out could range from saying hi to people to installing an elevator to help out someone in a wheelchair. The sad thing is that not every person will take that extra step to help out someone in need, but you know what "I think it is time for a change".

Without the Civil Rights Movement who knows what could have happend to our nation today. We are all influenced by the Civil Rights Movement even if you think your not, it is a law you must abide by. Just think about it what if we never killed those Jim Crow Laws or what if we even reverted back to what it was like before the civil war would you still be able to live in this country?


Nick K. said...

I agree with what you said about how a lot of lessons we learned were from Martin Luther King's speeches. I liked that you acknowledged that we still have a problem with hate crimes and that you thought of some simple solutions that are not hard to do. I also liked how you ended your post because it makes you wonder what life would be like if we were all still segregated.

Anonymous said...

I agree that were getting closer but itl be along time before we do. A thing like this dosent happen over night, tough we all wished it did. Equity would be reached first before equqlity does, because equity is just making everything fair. Equqlity between us all will take along time due to racism today.