Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Helping Out With Fashion

For my second day of volunteering, I volunteered to help out with the fashion show here at the school. The president of the fashion show, Noelle Tobias, was a good friend of mine and the girlfriend of my close friend Johnniel Cruz, so helping her out was a no brainer. While there, i helped out with the music equipment with Johnniel. After a few tests, everything seemed fine for the fashion show, but a few minutes in there was already tech problems. The microphone the announcers were using wasn't working. Whenever they would speak into it, barely any noise will come out, but luckily we had an extra microphone to replace it with. After this small miscue, the rest of the show went smoothly without any problems. The experience was great as i got to help out a good friend of mine and had a fun time working with the music. The clothing styles were awesome, and Noelle did an overall great job preparing the fashion show. The models were great and funny and the designers had great designs and overall everyone had a relaxing, fun time. Being there supporting and helping out Noelle was great and i wouldn't hesitate to do so again. Overall a great experience, with lots of memorable moments.

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