Students of Culture, Literature and the History of the United States.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
"You have to pack them all before you leave."
tri-city volunteer center
Erica Moen + Taylor Loosli = episode 3
Monday, April 18, 2011
Reaching For Equity 2
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Ducks' cage I cleaned. |
Volunteering Post #2
This second time I volunteered was a bit different than the first. It started out like it usually did, although this time I got there early so I had to actually help set up. However, this time we waited for nearly 45 minutes waiting for the foster homes to bring the dogs. When they did, I was placed with 2 chinese crested terriers or something like that. I must say, it was the easiest 3 hours of volunteering i've ever done. They didn't bark or anything, they either slept, played with each other or sat peacefully in my lap. Then someone decided they wanted to put their mother in the pen with me. When that happened, all three of them started running around and jumping on me. This only lasted for 10 minutes though, then they took her out and they were calm again. Basically, for 3 hours I sat in a cage with two things that barely moved either texting or trying to amuse myself. Overall, it was less fun than last time and me being so annoyed at the last dog I had to sit with was probably an over exaggeration since I really did nothing this time around.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Helping Out the Seniors
I think that really the only bad thing about this was the fact that I had to get up at seven in the morning for it. I'm really happy that there was coffee there that helped. The first thing that we did was set up tables and put all the stuff for sale on them, separating all the electronics and fabrics and such. At the end of the day the stuff that wasnt sold went to St. Vincent De Paul. I felt good about helping our seniors for something in their last year here and the fact that what wasn't sold went to a charity.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Tri-City Volunteer #2
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Reaching For Bread
The Energetic Ones
Driving there like pros:
Sweeping like pros:
Bagging like pros:
Volunteering for Fashion
Kids scream the darnest things!
On that day I have helped a child with his homework simple math then afterwards, I handed them out their healthy snack. Some kids asked me what high school was like because of how some of them were middle schoolers and had curious little heads, so I explained them how it was like and how fun it was to be a high schooler in Fremont. One kid had then asked me what happened in WWII, I couldn't really tell him because that all the information that I knew was very gruesome such as how they treated the Jews and how they choose their soldiers to be all blond and blue-eyed. I told him that it was bad and shouldn't have happened.
After, I had helped the little kids and all of their work was turned in and done I gave them work so that they could do. Not long after, parents began swooping in and picking them up. That is when I get annoyed because of how old they are and yet still not able to clean up after themselves.>:(
That was it for Day 2 of the Journal Entry. I hope that they can learn to clean up for themselves. I plan to fix this habit before I get all of my hours.
Helping Out With Fashion
Unexpected FUN
As I ran back in, I shouted to John that their is a bee outside and I told him about how allergic I am to bee stings. I asked him if I could bag onions because I am pretty fast at it. He said yes and I headed over to Alencio and Zena to help them. Once I got to the table I had the best idea to go through a lot of onion sacks fast and efficiently. I told Zena and Alencio to bag the onions and I would tie them. As fast as my idea went we got through 3 bags in 10 minutes. We had no more onions in any of the sacks so we had to go into the freezer to get a couple more sacks.
Alencio, Zena and I walk to the freezer and opened the door that had a latch that looked like if you got locked in you would be LOCKED IN. We walked in and went about 3 meters away from the door. As the room got darker by the second I blinked and the room was PITCH BLACK. The only thing I heard was footsteps, Screaming from Zena, and the banging on the door from Alencio. I ran to the door and started banging and I finally saw that the door nob was glow in the dark for a reason. We had just got in to a near-death experience.We eventually open the door and brang back 2 sacks. Within the next 10 minutes we finished the backs and the day was done.
Ohhh how I love doing community service now.
Once Again.
On April 11th 2011, right after school I went to volunteer at Tri-City Volunteers, again. As soon as I got there I put on the vest, a badge, signed in, and got to work. This time around there wasn’t any packing potatoes or onions. There were a lot of other people I didn’t know, although Brooke and Danielle were there packing donuts. But my duty was to fill in the carts with food. The items I had to put in the carts were: a big bag of beans, juice, three different types of bread, meat, pizza, two brown bags that you have to get from different places, a dairy product, toilet paper, and a small pie or cake. After filling in the cart, I had to walk over to a little window where some slips were put. The slips would say the person’s name and how much would need to be given to them. It all depends on how big the family is; the bigger the family, the more items were given to them. While I got the cart ready the person was waiting outside. Later after getting everything in the cart, I would have to take the cart outside, yell out the name, and walk with the cart to the person’s car. Once at the car, I would need to help whoever the person is get the items inside their car and walk back, and fill it up. And that was the routine of the day. But since I didn’t get any pictures that day I went the following day and took some with Zena and Alencio, because they were there too.
Tri-City Volunteering 2nd Time
Fashion Rack!
I was really bored during the show, feeling a little lonely. Then I noticed my friend Josh was one of the models (LOL) and so his girlfriend, Susie, was there. So on my way to get a schedule of the show she sort of tackled me. We had fun trying on the clothing (shh...),over our other clothing of course...
Eventually I sold two shirts and two blouses. There was one particular white blouse with a flowery design. Lots of women and girls were eyeing it, but surprisingly no one bought it. Oh well, I didn't get payed but it felt like a job. And afterwards, on my way home, my father said it was good that I liked selling and dealing with clothes. He said it would be a good part-time job. Maybe...if I find extra time.
Getting My Hands Dirty.
I guess we are kind of supposed to find our own work because I started getting strange looks until Bryan led us to a back room. We started hesitantly wiping off counters and ended up mopping floors. Next we swept the entire work room floor and tried to find something else to do. Joaquin began bagging potatoes which left me and Bryan standing awkwardly waiting and watching. Soon a guy singles me out and asks me to "run" a cart.
I had no Idea what he meant. So I asked. Turns out, Bryan knew what to do so he led the way. we took a cart full of food and brought it out to a group of homeless people. I read a name off a sheet of paper and a woman told me that it was her. I followed her to her car and helped her load the food into it. As i was packing it full of cans and bread, I noticed that her whole wardrobe was in the car. She had been living out of it... This really opened my eyes and made me appreciative. Soon afterwards we were finished with our shift so we removed our vests and left the place having an experience not many others can claim they have had. I am proud of what I did and cant wait to do it again.
Call me spongebob, stackin' chicken a bag.
Blog Entry #2
2nd visit with Florence

Volunteering to support cancer
The video is hard to see and comprehend but the organization was called LiveStrong. That is what the banner in the background had read. This took place at the Century 25 theater in Union Landing in Union City. There was an inspiring documentary based on the story of a man who completed 75 marathons in 75 days for his wife who had cancer. LiveStrong supports people with cancer like Lance Armstrong, who is apart of the organization.
Gardening at American Day #2
Not so crazy of a day #2
Day Trip
For the second volunteering session, I continued helping out the Citizens Committee to Complete the Refuge(CCCR). I was supposed to meet up with Kate and Britney again at Florence's home in Palo Alto at 1p.m. on Saturday, but I had a soccer game that day in San Francisco and arrived at around 2:15p.m. We were planning on fully interviewing Florence about the Committee, why she started, and so on. I felt bad because I barely made it in time to ask one question for the video, as Kate and Britney had already done most of it. Just like the last time I visited Florence's home I was warmly welcomed and she offered me some cookies and lemonade. I am now pretty comfortable going to her house and talking about wetlands, or anything for that matter. I talked a little bit more with her about (I wish I could remember, but it is just not coming to me right now). Anyways, It was an overall good 30 minutes that I was there. Then after we finished the filming the interview we drove over to the Don Pedro Wildlife Refuge to take pictures and learn a little bit more about the wetlands there. I have been there before, but not with 4 tour guides (Florence, Kate and her parents). It was really cool to see what they have been working so hard to preserve, not only plants but also all the animals. I saw tons of different species of birds, which Kate could always name, and also ground squirrels and a few fish. It was also really neat to see that trails in the refuge were dedicated to Florence and her husband. It was like I was with a celebrity. They have done so much to save these marshes and I am glad to see they are recognized for what they have done. So, at the refuge I took a lot of pictures and learned from each of our special guides about the importance of having marshes. I learned about how the marshes act as filters when all the runoff water comes from the city and goes towards the bay. It takes out a lot of pollutants and chemicals, providing the bay with cleaner water. This is the reason for the mud in the marshes smelling so bad, because it is filled with gross man-made materials. Another advantage of having marshes is that they act as sponges when there is a flood. They take in a lot of water and would have a great impact on protecting Fremont if the Bay ever flooded. Not only do the marshes help with these things, but they are also the home of many animals and some endangered species like the salt marsh harvest mouse. Most of the animals require the marshes for shelter and food, and so they could not live in this area without them. Learning about this and seeing it myself has made it more important for me to help out the CCCR during this project. This is because it is hard to fight for something you do not know much about and by knowing a lot more about it, I feel the drive to make a difference.
Monday, April 11, 2011
"Potatoes, potatoes. I'm sick of potatoes..."
Once again, I went to the Tri-City Volunteer center except this time I was with Leo Moyrong. Since it was Leo’s first time there, I waited for him to fill out the paperwork first. On our way out to the food pantry, we saw Francis, Zena, and Alencio there. We grabbed some gloves and a bright green vest and headed straight for the stack of potatoes. John, the man in charge, had assigned us to bag the potatoes. From experience, I knew that it would be much easier to run an assembly line. I bagged the potatoes about three-fourths of the way full and then Leo tied it up and threw it in the bin. At first, tying was quite difficult for Leo because of the gloves we had to wear but he caught on quickly and in no time we were working that assembly line! Leo and I worked on it for a while and later, three others joined us. It was a tedious job because grabbing the potatoes was not as easy as you thought it would be! After a little while, my hands started to hurt and sweat in those gloves so I decided to switch them out for sanitary purposes. The whole hour and a half we were bagging potatoes. It was nice to have Leo there to keep me company or else I would have been bored out of my mind. However, I didn’t dread over the job too much because I kept in mind I was giving back to the community. Towards the end, Leo and I rolled out a few carts for some of the people waiting to receive their food. Overall, it was a great experience again. However, if I could choose between bagging onions and bagging potatoes, I would definitely choose the onions because you only need three in a bag and they are much easier to grab!
Community Service Post #2
I worked from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Marine Recruiting Office this time. Today I met the new Sgt. who just started work there, Sgt. Roseta. She was talking to Ssgt. Hosch because she forgot her go-fasters. Since she is a tall lady, she couldn't borrow any of the other girls go-fasters, so I loaned her mine. Sgt. Roseta and Ssgt. Hosch took all the recruits out for PT. I finished matching the list of names to the pictures and I sheredded some papers and waited for Ssgt. Hosch to return.
I love working with the Marines, they are all very nice and well behaved, not to mention, motivated. I can't wait to work with them again.
I love and miss my brother the coolest Marine ever!
Back at the Senior Center
Community Service Post #1
My community service takes place at the Marine Recruiting Office in Fremont. My first day working there was Monday, and I worked from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. I rode my bike over there and when I walked through the doors I asked for Ssgt. Hosch. I was told by Msgt. Rielly that he was unavailable at the moment, and so I waited for him. At first, that made me really nervous, but once he arrived, and after he and Msgt. Rielly stopped conversing, I was given the task of matching pictures to a list of names. By doing this the Marines knew who they needed pictures of and I also discovered that they had a duplicate picture of one person. It might seem tedious to most people, but I had a lot of fun. I really enjoy working there and the Marines are very nice.
For a Long Walk
International Food Festival
Biscut Type Things...
1.mix all ingrtients together
2.use ice cream scooper and scoop out about 2 dozen biscuts
3.bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes
4.remove and let cool
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Volunteer Experience #2
On April 1 2011, After the bell strike 2:35PM, I was excited and well-prepared for another duty on the garden. After leaving Washington High School, I started heading down American High School and at the same time, i felt i had a bit of integrity and confidence to restore in order to accomplish another similar task i did the previous week ago. I even met newer people this time! I learned how to use a grass cutting machine properly and to prevent minor and major casualties! You can visualize how great life can get when newer things come to mind! I have learned alot and i'm looking forward into serving the community MORE MORE and MORE as it becomes the trailing edge of success in my life!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Volunteer Post #1
Next time we go there we should probably get there a little later so that the only thing we can do is the food because I'm sure that is a lot better than cleaning restrooms. All in all, we made the best of it and had some fun. We will probably volunteer there again, as many students from our school do.
Delicious Mini Banana Cream Pie Recipe!
Idea: My Dad
Whip Cream
1) 1/2 cup of Organic Sugar
2) 1 small carton of Organic Cream
1) Pour 1/2 of sugar with the cream into a mixer
2)** Need more clarification here
1) Organic Bananas (however many you want, we used 2-3)
1) Cut into thick or thin slices (your preference) to get prepared for placement
1) 1/4 cup of Organic Corn Starch
2) 1/4 cup of Organic Sugar
3) 1 teaspoon Pure Vanilla
4) Sea Salt
5) 2 Cups of organic milk
6) 1 Organic Eggs (Free Ranged)
7) 2 tablespoons of Organic Butter
1)In a heavy saucepan, stir together the milk and 1/4 cup of sugar. Bring to a boil over medium heat.
2) In a medium bowl, whisk together the eggs yolks and egg.
3) Stir together the remaining sugar and cornstarch; then stir them into the egg until smooth.
4) When the milk comes to a boil, drizzle it into the bowl in a thin stream while mixing so that you do not cook the eggs.
5) Return the mixture to the saucepan, and slowly bring to a boil, stirring constantly so the eggs don't curdle or scorch on the bottom.
6) When the mixture comes to a boil and thickens, remove from the heat.
7) Stir in the butter and vanilla, mixing until the butter is completely blended in.
8) Pour into a heat-proof container and place a piece of plastic wrap directly on the surface to prevent a skin from forming.
9) Refrigerate until chilled before using.
1) 1 1/2 cups of non bleached organic all purpose flour
2) 1/2 cup of organic sugar
3) 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt
4) 1 stick and 1 tablespoon of very cold unsalted organic butter
- cut into small pieces
5) 1 large egg
1) Pulse the flour, sugar and salt together in the bowl of a food processor. Scatter the pieces of butter over the dry ingredients and pulse until the butter is coarsely cut in. (You're looking for some pieces the size of oatmeal flakes and some the size of peas). Stir the yolk, just to break it up, and add it a little at a time, pulsing after each addition. When the egg is in, process in long pulses--about 10 seconds each--until the dough, which will look granular soon after the egg is added, forms clumps and curds. Just before you reach this stage, the sound of the machine working the dough will change--heads up. Turn the dough out onto a work surface and, very lightly and sparingly, knead the dough just to incorporate any dry ingredients that might have escaped mixing. Chill the dough, wrapped in plastic, for about 2 hours before rolling.
2) To roll the dough: Butter a 2 1/2-inch (or whatever size you want to make) on a solid surface. Roll out chilled dough on floured surface.... ** Trying to make sense of how to type this step
3)Freeze the crust for at least 30 minutes, preferably longer, before baking.
4) To fully or partially bake the crust: Center a rack in the oven and preheat the over to 375 degrees F. Butter the shiny side of a piece of aluminum foil (or use nonstick foil) and fit the foil, buttered side down, tightly against the crust.
Amanda: Total spent: approx. $30 - 35
**I'll post picture with simple directions soon!
I posted the components in order of placement. The crust goes on the bottom, then the filling, the banana slice, and finally, the whip cream. Hope you have fun making it and enjoy the epic deliciousness!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Back To Kindergarten
So…For my volunteer work, I was ready to work at Big Brothers Big Sisters. I already had my interview done and everything. It’s taking them a while to respond to tell me who my match is so instead, I just looked for different volunteer opportunities. It’s actually harder than I thought. I went on volunteer match, like Mr. Speckles showed us, and I found a lot of things I can help out with. A lot of them were actually not as close to where I lived than I thought. There were two that I was really looking forward to helping out at, but they were in San Francisco, and I don’t really have that great transportation. So after hours and hours of searching, I decided to do my first Reaching for Equity in my little brothers class.
I decided to just help my little brother’s teachers after school. Unfortunately, I couldn't actually work with kindergarteners, but I had a chance to look at all their work and remember all the things I used to do when I was their age. I used to help them a lot before, but just kind of stopped.
When I went in, Mrs. Correia and Stroschein greeted me, and called me "Muddasir's sister". I thought it was kind of funny, but I walked in anyway, and they put me straight to work. First I had to file all the little kids work. It was pretty easy, except for reading their names. I forgot how hard it was to read kindergarteners hand writing. After that, Mrs. Stroschein asked me to put away the "book checks" and see who turned in their books. When I was finished with that, Mrs. Correia asked me to clean the tables. There was, I think five tables, and it took forever to wash off all the marker and glue. I had to spray, then scrub, and dry, and wipe. That took me almost half an hour. After that, I put away the Friday Folders, and helped them make next weeks homework. I had a pretty good time.
I know I didn't really do much, but I did help some people and I guess that counts. I really like my little brother’s teachers because they are so kind and funny. I think it was also, sort of a bonding time with them. The work I did to help the teachers was really easy, except for washing the tables…That took forever, and really made my arm sore; but it wasn’t bad. But hopefully the next thing I can volunteer for will reach out more to the community. I did have a great time, and wouldn't mind dropping in to help again.