· 2 cans of evaporated milk
· 2 cans of condensed milk
· 2 eggs
· 1 tsp of coffee (your choice on what kind)
· 2tsp of sugar
You will need:
A can opener
A blender
A pot
A boiling pan
A spoon
Step 1: Turn the stove on up to 7, place pot where it goes and pour both tsp of sugar in. Then spread evenly throughout the pot with your spoon. Wait till sugar turns brown, and then proceed with the next steps.
Step 2: Open all four cans
Step 3: Take one can of evaporated milk, one can of condensed milk and crack one egg open and put into the blender. Let it blend at medium speed for about two minutes.
Step 4: Take the finished mix and pour into the pot.
Step 5: REPEAT step 2 and 3
Step 6: Pour in the tsp of coffee, mix in real good.
Step 7: Let it sit for about 8-10min.
Step 8: Take the boiling pan and fill with water, not too much because you will need to put the pan with the flan mix in it so leave a inch gap between the top of the pan and the water that way you have room to put your hands in to get it out without burning your hands with the boiling water.
Step 9: Set the heat to 8 and let it boil for 2hours
Step 10: Take out the pan with the flan in it, be careful not to burn yourself, and then let it cool for 20min.
Step 11: Flip the flan on to a plate
Step 12: EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This flan was absolutely delicious. I like how it's easy to make and inexpensive as well. I make it all the time but yours was better than anything I've made. You both definitely did a good job. If we ever have another class party, you know what to bring!
I have to say Jose and Norma, this was pretty amazing and I definitely plan to make some in the future. It was so perfectly executed and I just about died happy while eating this flan. I could probably eat this almost every day of my life. I almost could not believe it was organic. Both of you guys did a good job.
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